Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update | Closely Monitoring

We are committed to ensuring the well-being of our clients and staff. We are aware of the potential seriousness of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and are closely monitoring the communications daily from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We will keep you updated should things change and new information emerges.

That being said, Altman & Associates is open and is operating under our normal business hours! During this time, many clients, old and new, will want to (and should!) make sure that their estate plans are up-to-date and current. We will work diligently and safely to meet with clients and draft, sign and implement their Wills, Trusts and other estate planning documents. In the instances where we are able to replace in person meetings with video or telephone conferences, we are happy to do so if you so choose.

Meanwhile, we are practicing safety precautions, including cleaning all common areas in our office, after every client meeting. More importantly, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment with Altman & Associates if you have been in contact with any persons with a diagnosed COVID 19 virus, have a temperature greater than 100, sore throat, achy joints, cough, and/or severe cold symptoms. We have updated our cancellation policy accordingly.

As a pre-caution, the CDC recommends the following in order to prevent the spread of infection:

As always, please feel free to contact our practice with any questions or concerns.

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