Millennials: The Time to Plan Is Now

As a millennial, your unique concerns and values are not just personal attributes but also significant in shaping the world. You are not just a part of the workforce but a crucial contributor. You are also the recipient of the great wealth transfer, a significant financial responsibility you must prepare. Estate planning is not just for the wealthy and the old. The following are essential steps you need to take to ensure that you have a comprehensive estate plan.

Choose Your Key Decision-Makers

By legally designating someone to act on your behalf while you still have the mental capacity to do so, you are taking control of your future. No one can automatically make medical decisions or manage your finances—not even your parents or spouse. This is a responsibility that you can and should take on for yourself. Choosing your key decision-makers wisely is crucial, as they will make essential decisions on your behalf. This decision should not be taken lightly, as it can significantly affect your future. This control over your future is empowering and reassuring, giving you a sense of security and peace of mind.

If the court appoints someone to ​​decide for you and you are unmarried, state law will generally prioritize your immediate family members over a significant other or friend. It would be best to have the proper legal tools to ensure you choose the people who make these decisions. This process involves not just choosing the right tools but also understanding the implications of state law. This knowledge will empower you to take proactive steps to ensure your preferences are honored, making you feel informed, prepared, and secure in your decisions. Understanding the legal tools and implications of state law is a crucial part of the process, and it's a step you can take now to protect your future.

Suppose you need someone to make financial decisions for you. In that case, you need to make sure that you name an agent under the financial power of attorney and give them whatever authority you are comfortable giving. You can allow the agent to act on your behalf immediately after you sign the document (without waiting until you can no longer manage your affairs) or require that the agent wait until you cannot act (depending on the financial power of attorney prepared for you and your state’s law). You may also need to have someone make medical decisions for you if you cannot communicate your wishes. It would be best to appoint an agent under a medical power of attorney to carry out this role. These are two roles and two legal tools. The weight of these decisions is significant, and you have the option of selecting the same or different people to act in these roles depending on skill sets or other considerations. This control over these significant decisions is not just a formality but can provide a sense of security and peace of mind.

Make Sure to Fill Out All Employment Forms Appropriately

According to a 2023 article analyzing U.S. Census Bureau data, millennials comprise the largest group of individuals in the workforce at 49.5 million, as compared to 42.8 million Gen Xers, 17.3 million baby boomers, and 17.1 million Gen Zers.1 Many jobs come with employer-provided life insurance and the ability to contribute to a retirement plan. These are two essential financial tools. However, you must review the beneficiary designations for these tools and ensure they have been completed correctly. Suppose the beneficiary designations are not filled out properly or are not filled out at all. There, the money may go through probate and distributed according to your will or, if you do not have a will, according to the state’s rules. Not only does this mean you may not choose who gets this money, but your loved ones may also go through the probate process, which can be time-consuming and costly. Some accounts or policies have rules about what happens if the beneficiary designation form is not filled out. There, the retirement account or life insurance policy agreements will determine who will get the money and how much they will receive. You do not control who gets these accounts and policies in both cases.

In addition to ensuring that the beneficiary designation is completed, you also need to think carefully about whom you want to name as the beneficiary. 

Naming an Individual as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

While leaving a lump sum to a loved one sounds like an easy and lovely way to be remembered, it comes with potential drawbacks. Usually, the beneficiary will receive the death benefit in one lump sum to do with as they please. This may make administration easy, but the lump sum would be vulnerable to your beneficiary’s creditors, a divorcing spouse, or a lawsuit. Further, you may believe your beneficiary cannot handle inheriting a large sum of money at once (or your beneficiaries may be minor children or individuals with special needs). If the death benefit for your life insurance policy is relatively large, investigate other options.

Naming a Trust as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Using a Trust can be a great way to protect the inheritances you leave behind for your loved ones. If you designate your trust as a beneficiary, the lump sum is paid to the trustee, who will then use the money according to the instructions you provided in the trust agreement. This means you can dictate what the funds will be used for and possibly add provisions that make it more difficult for your beneficiary’s creditors, divorcing spouses, or lawsuit plaintiffs to reach the funds.

Naming a Charity as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Making a charity the beneficiary of your life insurance policy can be a great way to leave a philanthropic mark at your passing. The death benefit can be paid directly to the charity at your death. When leaving money to a charity, you need to work with the organization to understand their needs and any special requirements that must be met for them to accept your donation. Gathering this information when you create your estate plan is crucial if you have specific requests for how the money will be used. You may need additional planning tools to ensure the death benefit is distributed and used however you want.

Naming a Spouse as a Retirement Beneficiary

Many married couples look at saving for retirement as saving for their joint retirements. This often leads to the spouse being named as the primary beneficiary of a retirement account. Sometimes, the spouse must be named as the primary beneficiary unless they consent to someone else being named as the primary beneficiary. Naming the spouse as the direct beneficiary of the account will likely give the spouse the option to transfer the inherited account into their retirement account (often called a spousal rollover) and treat the account as their own. This can provide additional assets and bankruptcy protection since the spouse would be the account's new owner. However, this option is only available to surviving spouses. The spouse could keep the account separate from their retirement assets as an inherited account. The spouse may use their life expectancy when withdrawing money from the retirement account instead of being locked into the 10-year payout.

Naming a Minor Child as a Retirement Beneficiary

A minor child who inherits retirement assets as a direct beneficiary may take small distributions (requirement minimum distributions, or RMDs, based on their life expectancy) every year until they reach age 26. At that age, they must take the remaining balance of the account within ten years or by the time they reach the age of 36. While children are still minors, their RMDs will likely be held in a protected account overseen by their guardian or conservator until they reach the age of majority in their state of residence (usually between the ages of 18 and 21). Once the child becomes an adult, they can make periodic withdrawals during the ten years, or they can withdraw everything all at once. Once the child is an adult, they may make whatever decisions they want.

Naming an Adult Loved One as a Retirement Beneficiary

An adult loved one may be considered part of the group required to receive the entire retirement account within ten years of the account owner’s death unless some other exception applies. However, nothing prevents an adult beneficiary from withdrawing the whole retirement account balance the day they inherit it.

Naming a Trust as a Retirement Beneficiary

Another option for naming a retirement account beneficiary is to create a Trust for your loved one and name the trust as the beneficiary (rather than naming your loved one individually). This option can work for see-through trusts that meet criteria under the law and allow the applicable trust beneficiaries to be treated as beneficiaries of your retirement account. 

There are two types of see-through trusts: conduit trusts and accumulation trusts. A conduit trust requires that all distributions made from the retirement account to the trust are distributed to the beneficiary (or used for the beneficiary’s benefit) as soon as the trust receives it. The Trust can ensure that the entire distribution period is observed and that a beneficiary does not liquidate the retirement account immediately. An accumulation trust allows the trustee to decide whether to pay out the withdrawals to the beneficiary (or for the beneficiary’s benefit) from the retirement account or to retain the funds in the trust. The funds distributed from the retirement account to the trust can stay in the trust and be protected from claims made by outside creditors. Like a conduit trust, the accumulation trust will enable you to ensure that the beneficiary cannot liquidate the retirement account immediately after you pass away. With both types of trusts, you can dictate who will inherit the retirement account if the named beneficiary passes away before they receive the entire account.

Naming a Charity as a Retirement Beneficiary

Another option is to name a charity as the beneficiary of your retirement account. Because the charity would receive the distribution, there would be no income tax consequences for the charity or you. Although you would still have to count the retirement account as part of your estate, if the account goes to charity (so long as it is a qualified organization), there will be a reduction in the amount subject to estate tax. Therefore, there is less tax due.

Have a Game Plan If You Are Not Married

According to Statista, only 44 percent of millennials were married between 23 and 38 in 2020, while 53 percent of Gen Xers, 61 percent of baby boomers, and 81 percent of the silent generation were married between those ages.2 Just because you are not married does not mean you do not have a loved one whom you care for and would like to provide for when you pass away. If you do not create a proactive estate plan, your money and property will be distributed according to rules established by the state. These laws typically prioritize giving money and property to your spouse, children, parents, and siblings. An unmarried significant other will have no right to your money and property. You need a proper estate plan if you want money and property to go to someone other than your family.

Do Not Forget Your Pet

According to Forbes, another unique characteristic of millennials is that they make up the most significant percentage of current pet owners.3 These beloved family members need care and attention like children. Therefore, include pets in your estate plan. The extent to which you include them can vary depending on the pets, the number of pets, their current health, and their ongoing needs. 

Who Will Take Care of Your Pet?

The role of a pet caregiver is like that of the guardian of a minor child. This person will care for your pet if you no longer can. It is essential to ensure you have chosen a caregiver for your pet; choose backups if your first choice cannot care for your pet. You can leave detailed instructions or general recommendations for your pet’s care, whichever works best for your pet’s situation. 

You can also decide whether you would like to set aside money to help the caregiver cover the pet’s cost of care. Some people give their chosen caretaker a one-time monetary gift. Others may consider creating a budget to more accurately determine the amount they want to leave for their pet’s needs. Your approach will be based on the available funds and your caretaker’s ability to assume the financial responsibility of caring for your pet. When dealing with a more considerable sum of money, it is essential to consider how it will be managed. Some people are comfortable giving the amount to the caretaker so the caretaker can easily access the money for the pet’s needs. Others prefer a trust to hold the funds and ensure that some oversight is in place. This can be done by using a trustee to manage the funds. 

Last, you will want to consider whether you would like to compensate your chosen caretaker as a thank-you for the time and energy required to care for your beloved pet.

Now Is the Time to Plan

It is not pleasant to think about what will happen if you cannot manage your affairs or when you die. Contact the attorneys at Altman & Associates at 301 468 3220 or through the website at

  1. Emily Peck, Zoomers Will Overtake Boomers at Work Next Year, Axios (Nov. 22, 2023),
  2. Share of Americans Who Were Married Between the Ages of 23 and 38 in 2020, by Generation, Statista, (last visited June 25, 2024).
  3. Michelle Megna, Pet Ownership Statistics 2024, Forbes (Jan. 25, 2024),
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