We are sending you an important update regarding Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) filing requirements mandated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
As of January 1, 2024, all entities registered with a state, including corporations, LLCs, and similar entities, must disclose their beneficial owners. This is a significant change; failure to comply with these new filing requirements can lead to severe penalties. To learn more about the filing requirement, click here.
If your reporting company is owned by your Revocable Trust, the Grantors and Trustees of the Revocable Trust will generally be considered beneficial owners of the reporting company. Please review your Trust documents to identify the Grantors and Trustees. Beneficiaries and other fiduciaries (such as a Trust Protector) may also be considered beneficial owners if an irrevocable trust owns your reporting company.
Subsequent filings will generally be required if there are changes to the information reported on the BOI report. This includes any company information changes or the information reported to any beneficial owner. Examples of changes that would need to be reported include a dissolution, change of name, transfer of interests of the company or the death, name change, or change of address of a beneficial owner. A reporting company must update an initial report within 30 calendar days of a change in information about the company or its beneficial owners or if it qualifies for an exemption after filing the initial report.
If you cannot complete the required filing, contact us by November 15, 2024. We can arrange appointments between November 15 and December 31, 2024. Our minimum fee to assist with filing the BOI report starts at $750. Contact us at 301-468-3220 or via our website at altmanassociates.net.