Best of Bethesda 2025: Trusts & Estates Attorney

We did it!

Congratulations to Gary Altman and the Altman Team, recently designated the Best of Bethesda, Trust, and Estates Attorney by Bethesda magazine. A significant milestone in the local community, this accomplishment would not have been possible without the Altman Team's hard work, dedication, and commitment. 

Serving the Washington, DC metro area for nearly 30 years, practicing estate planning law exclusively, our legal team has decades of experience creating customized estate plans. No cookie-cutter solutions or off-the-shelf formulas, the firm is committed to a highly personalized client-centered approach designed specifically for each client. This attentive, customized approach to each client has cultivated our reputation for excellence. While honored with this award by the financial community, we could not have done it without the work ethic, attitude, commitment to service, and passion for excellence demonstrated by our team members, which will carry our success into the future. Thank you.

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