COVID-19 Response | Commitment to Employees and Clients


As efforts to contain the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue in the United States and across the globe, Altman & Associates remains committed to the safety and well-being of our clients, employees, families, business partners, and the communities in which we live and work. As such, I want to take a moment to let you know what we have done to be prepared for this public health emergency.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Policies

Our office remains open and prepared to meet the needs of our clients during this difficult time. We are following the recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local authorities, particularly concerning the importance of “social distancing”. No one at Altman & Associates has reported as being symptomatic, and no one has tested positive for COVID-19.

We have implemented measures that help ensure both business continuity for our clients and the safety and health of our people:

  1. To reduce the risk of exposure in the office, we are cleaning the common areas after every client meeting, have cancelled non-essential meetings outside of the office, and will retain a separate cleaning crew to do an extensive cleaning of our common areas at least once a week.
  2. We are ramping up our teleconferencing capability and we encourage our clients and attorneys to use the available technology whenever possible. (Call or email us for more information.)
  3. Unless an in-person meeting is required, our staff has the option to work remotely. We are answering telephone calls, preparing estate planning documents, and responding to emails from our homes.
  4. When in-person meetings are required, we will refrain from hand-shaking and will not have multiple people in the waiting room at the same time.
  5. We ask that you please reschedule your appointment with Altman & Associates if you have been in contact with any persons with a diagnosed COVID 19 virus, have a temperature greater than 100, cough, sore throat, achy joints, and/or severe cold symptoms. We have updated our cancellation policy accordingly.

We are committed to providing uninterrupted service to our clients (both existing and new). Altman & Associates has always been focused on delivering our customary timely and quality services to our clients. We will remain responsive to your legal needs, as we have been over the quarter-century.
Please do not hesitate to contact me ( or the attorneys here with whom you work with any questions.

- Gary

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